Quadrupole moments of high spin isomers inFr213,Fr212, andFr211

The level mixing spectroscopy method has been applied to measure the static quadrupole moments of six isomeric states in Fr213, Fr212, and Fr211 (Z=87). For isomers with the proton configuration πh9/24 i13/2 a large increase of the quadrupole moment was observed with the removal of neutrons from the closed N=126 core: Q(29/2+ ,213Fr)=-70(7) e fm2, Q(15 ,212Fr)=-80(12) e fm2, and Q(29/2+ ,211Fr)=-107(18) e fm2. Quadrupole moments for very high spin states were also measured: Q(65/2 ,213Fr)=-219(53) e fm2, Q(27 ,212Fr)=-152(31) e fm2, and Q(45/2 ,211Fr) =-198(56) e fm2. The observed values are in good agreement with shell-model calculations, but are lower than that predicted using the deformed-independent particle model. The implantation behavior of Fr in a Tl host is also discussed.