Interpreting the new Brookhavengμ2result

The latest g_mu - 2 measurement by Brookhaven confirms the earlier measurement with twice the precision. However, interpretation of the result requires specific assumptions regarding the errors in the hadronic light by light (LbL) correction and in the hadronic vacuum polarization correction. Under the assumption that the analysis on LbL correction of Knecht and Nyffeler and the revised analysis of Hayakawa and Kinoshita are valid the new BNL result implies a deviation between experiment and the standard model of 1.6 sigma -2.6 sigma depending on the estimate of the hadronic vacuum polarization correction. We revisit the g_mu - 2 constraint for mSUGRA and its implications for the direct detection of sparticles at colliders and for the search for supersymmetric dark matter in view of the new evaluation.Comment: 15 pages, Latex including 3 figure
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