Thermal and microstructural analysis of orthogonal cutting of a low alloyed carbon steel using an infrared—charge-coupled device camera technique

In the present investigation, an analysis of the thermal aspects associated with the machining of low alloyed carbon steel is carried out. A new technique, based on the use of an infrared—charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, has been developed to determine the complete distribution of temperatures at the cutting edge of the tool. Special attention is paid to the study of the influence of the tool nature, geometry and cutting parameters on the temperature distribution in the cutting zone. The role of workpiece material treatment has also been studied and the existence of a correlation between tool/chip interface temperatures and microstructure evolution of the material during cutting has been discussed in terms of phase transformation observations. The experimental thermal analysis of metal cutting is completed with a finite element model that permits the heat transfer mechanisms in the cutting zone to be analysed and the influence of various parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate or material properties to be understood.