Isolation and characterization of motileAeromonasfrom human, food and environmental specimens

SUMMARY: From July 1985 to March 1987, the occurrence of motileAeromonassp. in stool, food and environmental specimens was investigated to assess their pathogenic significance and to determine sources and routes of infection. A total of 9366 stool specimens were examined;Aeromonaswas isolated from 11.1% of diarrhoeal stools and 2.2% of normal stools (P0.001).Aeromonascounts in food specimens, which included minced beef, pork and chicken, seafood and various vegetables and their products, were unexpectedly high suggesting that infection might be food–borne rather than water–borne. About 70% of the isolates from meat products were A.hydrophilaand A.sobria, while A.Caviaewas the most common in sea–fish, vegetables and their products. Most A.hydrophilaand A.sobriastrains produced haemolysin, but haemagglutinin was found more frequently in A.Sobria.