The optical absorption coefficient for subgap electronic transitions in crystalline and disordered semiconductors is calculated by first-principles means with use of a variational principle based on the Feynman path-integral representation of the transition amplitude. This incorporates the synergetic interplay of static disorder and the nonadiabatic quantum dynamics of the coupled electron-phonon system. Over photon-energy ranges of experimental interest, this method predicts accurate linear exponential Urbach behavior of the absorption coefficient. At finite temperatures the nonlinear electron-phonon interaction gives rise to multiple phonon emission and absorption sidebands which accompany the optically induced electronic transition. These sidebands dominate the absorption in the Urbach regime and account for the temperature dependence of the Urbach slope and energy gap. The physical picture which emerges is that the phonons absorbed from the heat bath are then reemitted into a dynamical polaronlike potential well which localizes the electron. At zero temperature we recover the usual polaron theory. At high temperatures the calculated tail is qualitatively similar to that of a static Gaussian random potential. This leads to a linear relationship between the Urbach slope and the downshift of the extrapolated continuum band edge as well as a temperature-independent Urbach focus. At very low temperatures, deviations from these rules are predicted arising from the true quantum dynamics of the lattice. Excellent agreement is found with experimental data on c-Si, a-Si:H, a-As2 Se3, and a-As2 S3. Results are compared with a simple physical argument based on the most-probablepotential-well method.