Measurements are presented of differential reflectivity in a strong magnetic field in InSb and GaSb at the E1 and E1+Δ1 edges. A description of the circular-polarization modulation technique used to obtain the data is given. Optical absorption at a critical point along the [111] direction in a semiconductor lacking inversion symmetry is discussed. An exciton model in a magnetic field is developed. Numerical solutions for the first four bound-state energies having azimuthal quantum number m=0 are tabulated for the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation of an attractive Coulomb potential in a magnetic field. Solutions to the three-dimensional problem are discussed using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The exciton model is compared to experimental spectra of Landau levels at the E1 edge of InSb. A value of 2.8 ± 0.6 meV is obtained for the exciton rydberg. This agrees with the value obtained using the measured effective transverse mass mμt=19.7±1.3 and the static dielectric constant of InSb. A lower limit on the longitudinal mass of 15|μlμt| is estimated. The sign of the longitudinal mass has not been unambiguously obtained; however, the critical-point symmetry at the E1 edge may be of type M0 instead of M1. The E1 excitonic energy gap is determined to be 2.015 ± 0.001 eV. Spectra of GaSb are compared to InSb. A line splitting of 33 meV due to the inversion asymmetry in GaSb is proposed.