Interband Magneto-Absorption and Faraday Rotation in InSb

Direct interband magneto-optical transitions have been observed in pure n-type InSb at liquid-helium temperature using magnetic fields up to 96.5 kG. The theory of the magnetic levels in the valence and conduction bands at the zone center is carried out using a modification of the method of Luttinger and Kohn. The interaction between conduction and valence bands has been treated exactly, and the effect of higher bands to order k2. Selection rules have been evaluated for both allowed (Δn=0, 2) and warping-induced (Δn=2, ±4, 6) direct valence-to-conduction-band transitions. Comparison of theoretical with experimental spectra (using circular and plane-polarized light in the Faraday and Voigt configurations, respectively) has shown good agreement for the magnetic field in the [110] and [100] crystal directions. The following band parameters are obtained: conduction-band effective mass mc=0.0145m0: light-hole effective mass ml.h.=0.0160m0; heavy-hole effective masses mh.h.[100]=0.32m0, mh.h.[110]=0.42m0, mh.h.[111]=0.44m0.