Level schemes ofPd102andPd100

High-spin states have been populated in Pd102 by Zr92(C13,3nγ)Pd102 with Elab=56 MeV and in Pd100 by Zr91(C12,3nγ)Pd100 with Elab=63 MeV. We find in each nuclide a ground state band ΔJ=2 of positive parity extending to Jπ=14+, as well as two negative parity bands ΔJ=2, one of odd spin and one of even spin. For Pd100, the present level scheme represents the first definitive study of excited states in this nuclide. For Pd102 the present data include the first measurement of the γ-ray linear polarizations. The level energies are compared to the variable moment of inertia model, the interacting boson approximation model, and to the results of a quasiparticle calculation. NUCLEAR REACTIONS, NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Zr92(C13,3nγ)Pd102, E=56 MeV, Zr94(C12,4nγ)Pd102, E=69 MeV, Zr91(