Electroweak spin gauge theories and the frame field

The principles of spin gauge theories are explained. A particular spin gauge symmetry within the Clifford algebra C2.6 is shown to give the correct GSW electroweak interactions for the electron-neutrino system. A new concept of mass is introduced, the electron mass being interpreted as an interaction with the 'frame field', which is proportional to the spacetime dependent Dirac matrices ( gamma u( chi )). Including the frame field in the 'extended covariant derivative' Delta mu and calculating ( Delta mu , Delta v) gives, along with the boson Lagrangian kinetic terms, exactly the correct photon, W and Z mass matrix. Transformation of the lepton extended covariant derivative to the 'quark representation' of the Clifford algebra, which is determined by the electromagnetic coupling constants, reproduces the GSW interactions for the up and down quarks. Thus, for the first generation electroweak theory, the 'Higgs-Kibble mechanism' is replaced by the frame field concept of mass. The models studied indicate that an energy associated with the frame field is approximately three times the W boson rest mass MW. A refinement of the theory suggests a fermion mass of the order of MW.

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