Synthesis of Abscisic Acid-Responsive, Heat-Stable Proteins in Embryonic Axes of Dormant Wheat Grain

Germination of embryonic axes from dormant grain is inhibited by low concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) compared with axes from nondormant grain. Incubation of dormant grain axes in 0.05 to 50 micromolar ABA caused the prolonged synthesis of a set of heat-stable proteins. Two of these proteins were identified as dehydrins. In nondormant grain axes, 100- to 1000-fold greater ABA concentrations were required to produce similar results. When embryonic axes of dormant wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain were imbibed without ABA, endogenous ABA levels increased 2.5-fold by 4 hours and then gradually declined. Heat-stable proteins were continuously synthesized for at least 18 hours. No increase in endogenous ABA was observed when nondormant grain axes were imbibed. Endogenous ABA levels in nondormant grain axes remained constant at 4 hours and then declined. The nondormant grain axes initially synthesized the heat-stable proteins, but that synthesis disappeared between 8 and 12 hours. These results showing the prolonged synthesis of ABA-responsive, heat-stable proteins by dormant grain axes, demonstrate that biochemical differences occur when axes from dormant compared with nondormant grains are imbibed.