By making a pole approximation to the spectral integral over the kinematical factor ρl(z) it is shown that the partial-wave matrix ND1 integral equations are reduced to algebra. The approximation depends only on the particular partial wave and not the dynamics of the reaction, and it admits of systematic improvement. The resulting scattering amplitude Tl(z) is symmetric, is independent of the subtraction point for the D function, has the correct discontinuities on the right- and left-hand cuts, and can moreover be explicitly expressed as an algebraic function of the driving term Bl(z). This last feature enables us to directly inspect the relation between the driving force and the scattering amplitude, and establishes the general usefulness of the method. We find, for example, that the solution imposes general conditions on Bl(z) for the existence of bound states, resonances, or possible ghosts. The self-consistency property of bootstrap calculations imposes additional explicit restrictions on acceptable Bl(z) for the existence of the bootstrap.