Theory of theJ=32,I=32πNResonance

We calculate the position WR and width γ33 of the J=32, I=32 P-wave πN resonance, using partial-wave dispersion relations. In the present calculation we treat as given the nucleon and ρ-meson masses and coupling constants, which determine the long-range part of the forces. The parameters, which characterize the distant part of the left-hand cut, are fixed by using the expressions for the (32, 32) P-wave πN state given by fixed energy dispersion relations, in a region where they are valid without subractions, in a way used by Balázs for the ππ problem. We then impose the self-consistency demand that the position and width of the (32, 32) resonance used as input values in the crossed channel in the fixed-energy dispersion relation be the same as the calculated values of the position and width. The preliminary results of the calculation are WRm+2.35 and γ330.14. The experimental values are WR=m+2.17 and γ330.12, (where m is the nucleon mass and we use units in which =c=mπ=1). These results constitute the first part of the intended selfconsistent calculation of the nucleon mass and (32, 32) resonance position, exploiting the "reciprocal bootstrap" mechanism discussed by Chew.