Effect of anticancer drugs on the release of interferon γ in vitro

Some conventional and experimental anticancer drugs were tested for their effect on concanavalin-A-induced interferon γ release from rat splenocytes in vitro. When 2.5 × 106 rat splenocytes/ml, stimulated with 1 µg/ml concanavalin A, were incubated with various non-cytotoxic doses of the vinca alkaloid vincristine, there was an inhibition of the release of interferon γ in culture supernatants. The antitumour antibiotics bleomycin and Adriamycin, alkylating agents 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide and mafosfamide, and the immunoactive peptides FK 156 and FK565 did not affect the release of interferon γ under similar conditions. However, cyclosporin A, in similar experiments, markedly inhibited the release of interferon γ.