Initial proliferation of cortical cells in the formation of root nodules in Pisum sativum L.

Root nodule initiation in Pisum sativum begins with cell divisions in the inner cortex at some distance from the advancing infection thread. After penetrating almost the entire cortex, the branches of the thread infiltrate the meristematic area previously initiated in the inner cortical cells. These cells are soon invaded by bacteria released from the infection thread and subsequently differentiate into non-dividing, bacteriod-containing cells. As the initial meristematic centre in the inner cortex is thus lost to bacteroid formation, new meristematic activity is initiated in neighbouring cortical cells. As development proceeds, more cortical layers contribute to the nodule, with the peripheral layer and apical meristem of the nodule not invaded by bacteria. Lateral root primordia are initiated in a region separate from that in which nodules are formed, with the lateral primordia being closer to the root apex. This is interpreted to indicate that the physiological basis for nodule initiation is distinct from that for initiation of lateral roots. The role of a single tetraploid cell in nodule initiation is refuted, as is the existence of incipient meristematic foci in the root. It is suggested that the tetraploid cells in nodule meristems arise from pre-existing endoreduplicated cells, or by the induction of endoreduplication in diploid cortical cells by Rhizobium.