Optically Pumped Volume-Excited cw Room-Temperature In1−x Gax P (x ≤ 0.60) Platelet Lasers

Room‐temperature cw laser operation well into the visible spectrum (λ ∼ 6000 Å) is reported for In1−xGaxP (x ≤ 0.60). Thin (1–5‐μ) experimental samples are compressed into In, under a thick (∼ 250‐μ) high‐index (η > 2. 6) SiC window, with a thin (10–50‐μ) narrow SiC platelet under part of the In1−xGaxP sample. The thin In1−xGaxP samples, in the compound cavity, are volume excited in a small spot with an argon laser so that the heat is easily removed by the SiC windows and nearby In heat sink.