The presence of a thymocyte population in infant (3 to 10 day old), but not adult mice, that produces IL 2 after self class II MHC antigen stimulation is described. The responding thymocyte expresses the antigenic phenotype: Thy-1+, Ly-1+, Ly-2-, L3T4+, B2A2+. Cell-cell mixing experiments and limiting dilution analysis were consistent with a loss of the self-Ia-reactive IL 2-producing thymocyte in the adult, with no evidence for active suppression found. Although thymocytes from adult animals failed to generate IL 2 after self class II stimulation, a similar frequency of IL 2-producing cells was demonstrated in both infant and adult after allo stimulation. These findings, taken with the recent demonstration of IL 2 receptors on neonatal thymocyte subpopulations, demonstrate a mechanism for IL 2 production in the thymus that may play a role in intrathymic differentiation of T cells.