The nutritive value of papaya

Analytical data for organic and inorganic matter in Hawaiian papayas are given together with the variation in total ash, Ca and Cl of 8 composite samples from different sections of the Islands. Average ripe papaya is estimated to contain per 100 gm. of edible material: 2500 I.U. of vitamin A, 8 I.U. of vit. B, 70 mg. of ascorbic acid, and 33 Bourquin-Sherman units of vit. G. Tables are given showing the results of using various acids for extraction, of treatment with HgAc2 and/or H2S and CO2, and of titration of the extracted ascorbic acid with 2:6-diehlorophenolindo-phenol and with I. The ascorbic acid content of the papaya increased from 0.265 mg./gm. in green immature fruit to 0.618 mg. per gm. of ripe fruit.