Teratogenic effects on the CD-1 mouse embryo exposed to concurrent doses of ethanol and aspirin

Human fetal alcohol syndrome characteristics have been seen in the mouse fetus by several investigators who dosed the dam with only one or two doses of alcohol. The purpose of this study was to determine if the fetal effects of acute doses of alcohol (ethanol) are altered by aspirin. CD-1 mice were given two IP doses of a 25% v/v solution of 95% ethanol/saline (2.5 hours apart) and intubated with 250 mg/kg aspirin. The treatment regimen, begun at 8 days, 4 hours gestation, consisted of either aspirin pretreatment 1 hour before or posttreatment 1 hour after the ethanol. Control animals were treated similarly and included vehicle only, ethanol/vehicle, and aspirin/vehicle groups. One group was untreated. On gestational day 18, the dams were killed and the uterine horns were examined for live, dead, and resorbed fetuses. The live were weighed and examined for external malformations and either skeletal or visceral abnormalities. With the litter as the unit of analysis, no significant difference was found in the number of dead and resorbed among groups. There was a significant difference (P <.01) in average fetal weight in the aspirinpreteated group. When the total number of fetuses affected was considered, the aspirin pretreatment group showed significantly (P <.05) more external and visceral malformations. The skeletal examination revealed a significant (P <.05) difference in anomalies plus delayed ossification in both groups treated with the aspirin/ethanol combination. No significant differences were seen in any category in the groups receiving aspirin alone or ethanol alone. These results indicate and additive effect of aspirin and ethanol on the developing CD-1 mouse fetus.