Time course of early motor and neuropathological anomalies in a knock‐in mouse model of Huntington's disease with 140 CAG repeats

Huntington's disease (HD) is caused by an abnormal expansion of CAG repeats in the gene encoding huntingtin. The development of therapies for HD requires preclinical testing of drugs in animal models that reproduce the dysfunction and regionally specific pathology observed in HD. We have developed a new knock‐in mouse model of HD with a chimeric mouse/human exon 1 containing 140 CAG repeats inserted in the murine huntingtin gene. These mice displayed an increased locomotor activity and rearing at 1 month of age, followed by hypoactivity at 4 months and gait anomalies at 1 year. Behavioral symptoms preceded neuropathological anomalies, which became intense and widespread only at 4 months of age. These consisted of nuclear staining for huntingtin and huntingtin‐containing nuclear and neuropil aggregates that first appeared in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, and olfactory tubercle. Interestingly, regions with early pathology all receive dense dopaminergic inputs, supporting accumulating evidence for a role of dopamine in HD pathology. Nuclear staining and aggregates predominated in striatum and layer II/III and deep layer V of the cerebral cortex, whereas neuropil aggregates were found in the globus pallidus and layer IV/superficial layer V of the cerebral cortex. The olfactory system displayed early and marked aggregate accumulation, which may be relevant to the early deficit in odor discrimination observed in patients with HD. Because of their early behavioral anomalies and regionally specific pathology, these mice provide a powerful tool with which to evaluate the effectiveness of new therapies and to study the mechanisms involved in the neuropathology of HD. J. Comp. Neurol. 465:11–26, 2003.