Measurement of the effects of the localized field of a magnetic force microscope tip on a 180° domain wall

Opposite polarity magnetic force microscope(MFM) profiles of domain walls (DWs) in magnetite were measured with a commercial MFM tip magnetized in opposite directions perpendicular to the sample surface. The influence of the tip field on a DW resulted in an overall more attractive interaction. The difference between opposite polarity DW profiles provided a qualitative measurement of the reversible changes in DW structure due to the localized field of the MFM tip. The dependence of the measured alteration on tip-sample separation was fit with a power law at different positions across the DW. The rate of decay of the alteration with tip-sample separation, quantified by the exponent of the power law fit, varied across the DW and was much slower than expected from a simple model.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research, N00014-94-1-0123 (SF, EDD, RP). In addition, BMM was supported by the National Science Foundation, grants EAR-9304520 and EAR-9526812. This is contribution 9608 of the Institute for Rock Magnetis