Iron Distribution in Heated Beef and Chicken Muscles

Distribution of iron in six fractions (water‐soluble, water‐insoluble, diffusate, hematin, total heme, and ferritin) of beef and chicken muscles hcatcd to 55, 70, 85, and 100°C was determined. Iron content decreased in water‐soluble fractions and increased in water‐insoluble fractions as temperature increased from 27°C to 100°C. Heme iron decreased more from 55°C to 85°C than from 27°C to 55°C or 85°C to 100°C. The increase in diffusate iron appeared to be less than the decrease in heme iron at each heating temperature. As temperature increased from 27°C to 100°C, hematin iron content increased and extractable ferritin iron content decreased. These findings may help explain rapid development of oxidative rancidity in cooked meat.