1. The effects on egg production of including copra meals of 220.9 (Copra‐1) and 205.0 (Copra‐2) g residual lipids/kg, in laying hen diets at up to 400 g/kg, were examined in two feeding trials. In a separate experiment, the dry matter retention and ME of a 400 g Copra‐2/kg diet were determined between 6 to 9, 9 to 12 and 12 to 15 d of feeding. 2. Food intakes, egg output and efficiencies of food utilisation (g eggs/g food) of hens fed on Copra‐1 at 100 and 200 g/kg diet were not significantly different from controls; while food intakes at 400 g Copra‐1/kg diet were similar to controls, egg output (6.0% lower), efficiency of food utilisation and body weights of hens were significantly reduced. Hens fed Copra‐2 at 400 g/kg diet had 5.0 and 6.9% lower food intakes and egg output, respectively, and lost body weight compared to controls; however, egg output increased to that of the control group by the 11th week of feeding. 3. Initially, dry matter retention of the 400 g Copra‐2/kg diet was similar to, and ME slightly higher than the control diet; however, both were reduced significantly in the second and third collection periods. The water content of excreta from hens fed on 400 g Copra‐2/kg diet was significantly higher than that from controls. 4. Complete replacement of dietary maize, mainly with copra (experiment 1) led to an increase in pale yolks, with the 400 g Copra‐1/kg diet producing cream‐coloured yolks. Inclusion of maize at 180.6 g/kg of the 400 g Copra‐2/kg diet (experiment 2) resulted in eggs with slightly golden‐yellow yolks.