Thermal expansion of LaAlO3 and (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3, substrate materials for superconducting thin-film device applications

The thermal expansion for the perovskite (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3, i.e., LSAT, grown from the formulation 0.29(LaAlO3):0.35(Sr2AlTaO6), was determined by Rietveld refinement of neutron powder diffraction data over the temperature range of 15–1200 K. In comparison to LaAlO3 the relative volume thermal expansion is the same, although the cell volume of LSAT is slightly larger. Site occupation refinement for LSAT gives a structural formula of (La0.29(5)Sr0.71(5))A site(Al0.65(1)Ta0.35(1))B siteO3. At and below 150 K, LSAT shows a small distortion from cubic symmetry. Unlike the cubic-to-rhombohedral transition (800 K) observed in LaAlO3, the low temperature structural phase transition in LSAT appears to be cubic-to-tetragonal or cubic-to-orthorhombic. The rms displacement of the A site in LSAT is significantly larger than that for LaAlO3, and about half of the difference can be accounted for by a static displacement component.