Electronic structure of copper-rich copper-palladium alloys

In considering the electronic structure of (Cu-rich) CuPd alloys, we present computations of complex-energy bands and average densities of states together with the angle-resolved photoemission spectra from the (100), (111), and (110) surfaces of Cu95 Pd5 and Cu85 Pd15 single crystals. The impurity spectrum in CuPd is found to be dominated by two quite-well-separated Pd-derived impurity bands and differs sharply from the case of CuNi or AgPd systems, where only a single Ni- or Pd-related impurity structure appears in the alloy. Extensive comparisons between the theory and experiment are carried out with regard to the positions and halfwidths of the Pd-induced impurity structures, the level shifts and disorder smearings of the Cu-derived bands, and the shifts in the binding energies of the Cu2p and Pd3d core levels. A remarkably good agreement is found to exist in all cases. The (111) Shockley state is observed to lie at a binding energy of 0.2 eV (with respect to the Fermi energy) in Cu95 Pd5 and to possess an increased full width at half maximum (compared to Cu) of 60 meV. This state moves just above the Fermi energy in Cu85 Pd15. These effects can also be understood in terms of the changes in the bulk electronic spectrum of Cu upon alloying with Pd.