The average density of states ρ(E) and the component charge density associated with an A(B) atom in the alloy, ρA(B)(E), are discussed for the disordered alloy AxB1x within the framework of the muffintin Hamiltonian. A new version of the average t-matrix (ATA) is developed. The structure in the spectral density function, ρ(k,E), in the coherent-potential approximation (or the new ATA) is seen to result from not only the Bloch-type states in the medium of coherent-potential effective atoms tCP (or the average t-atoms t) but also from non-Bloch-type impurity levels arising when a single A or B atom is embedded in an otherwise perfect effective medium. The proposed ATA equations would allow a simple yet reliable treatment of many aspects of the electronic spectrum of disordered transition and noble-metal alloys.