Prognosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody Titer

• A total of 433 samples of serum were collected from 305 patients with histopathologically proved anaplastic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Antibodies against viral capsid antigens (VCA) of Epstein-Barr (EB) virus were titrated by means of indirect fluorescent antibody technique, using P3HR-1 cells as the target. High anti-VCA antibody titer in patients with NPC was found beginning to decline at the end of radiotherapy. Most (66.7%) of the patients were found to have a detectable reduction in antibody titer within six months after radiotherapy. Persistent high antibody titer after treatment correlates to high risk of the recurrence of the disease. This prognostic importance of anti-VCA titer becomes apparent at the end of radiotherapy, significant (P <.05) within one year after treatment, and highly significant (P <.0005) over one year after treatment. (Arch Otolaryngol 103:128-132, 1977)