Precision Measurements of Correlated Energies and Velocities ofCf252Fission Fragments

Correlated energies and velocities of single fission fragments from the spontaneous fission of Cf252 have been measured. Absolute energies and times of flight are obtained with estimated accuracies of ±0.5% from direct comparison measurements with 30- to 120-MeV Br79, Br81, and I127 ions from the tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The post-neutron-emission kinetic parameters obtained from this experiment for Cf252 fragments are compared with pre-neutron-emission quantities obtained from double-time-of-flight experiments of Whetstone and of Milton and Fraser. Of special interest is the fine structure which appears in the post-neutron-emission mass distribution. It is shown that this structure reflects the fine structure observed in the pre-neutron-emission mass distribution, which in turn is known to reflect certain energetically preferred even-even fragment configurations in Cf252 spontaneous fission. Within the ≈2.5% mass resolution of the present experiment, no additional fine structure appears as a result of neutron boil-off to specific fragment masses. The number of neutrons ν(M) as a function of fragment mass has been calculated from the pre- and post-neutron-emission mass distributions. In an appendix, a "universal" energy calibration procedure for solid-state detectors for fission fragments is given; this procedure is based on the present absolute fragment energy determinations and takes into account the mass dependence of the pulse-height-versus-energy relation.