Electrophoretic Analysis of Kala-azar Human Serum. Hypergammaglobulinemia Associated with Seronegative Reactions for Syphilis.

Electrophoresis in the Tiselius apparatus of 2 human kala-azar sera showed the presence in high concn. of a unique abnormal component migrating with the [gamma] globulin component of slowest mobility. The concns. of the normal [gamma] globulin plus the abnormal component in the 2 sera were 64.1 and 28.4% of the total protein. The mobilities (-[mu] X 105 cm2 sec-1 volt-1) were 1.07 and 0.58 as compared with 0.62, the value for normal human serum. Serologic tests for syphilis, Kline diagnostic, Kline exclusion, Boerner-Jones- Lukens, Mazzini, Kahn and Kolmer, were negative as were the formed-gel and tests for cold-precipitable globulin. The kala-azar sera, negative to these serologic tests for syphilis, show that the presence of hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulin-emia or hypergammaglobulinemia cannot be used to prove or disprove the specificity of positive serologic reactions for syphilis.