An Independent Determination of Fixed Points on the High Voltage Scale

Since present methods allow the comparison of high voltages with an accuracy of 0.1 percent, it was felt that a more accurate determination of certain fixed points would be desirable. This work is an attempt to establish more precisely the voltages of several well-known nuclear reactions which have been used as convenient voltage calibration points. The absolute values of the proton energies obtained for the various calibration points are: 1.883 Mev for the Li(p,n) threshold, 2.058 Mev for the Be(p,n) threshold, 0.877 Mev for the first strong F(p,γ) resonance, and 0.4465 for the Li(p,γ) resonance. The absolute values are thought to be accurate to within 0.3 percent and the relative values to about 0.1 percent.