A study on genomic relationships of Agropyron trachycaulum with Elymus scabriglumis, E. innovatus, and Hordeum procerum

Synthetic hybrids of Agropyron trachycaulum (2n = 4x = 28) with Elymus scabriglumis (2n = 6x = 42), E. innovatus (2n = 4x = 28), and Hordeum procerum (2n = 6x = 42) were produced through the embryo rescue technique, at relative frequencies of 7.1, 4.2, and 1.8%, respectively, of pollinated florets. The mean chromosome associations in two hybrids with E. scabriglumis was 11.71II + 1.47III + 0.15IV (mean chiasma frequency = 22.75), in one hybrid with H. procerum was 7.27II + 0.63II + 0.091V (mean chiasma frequency = 10.20) and in a hybrid with E. innovatus was 2.8II (2.19 chiasma frequency). The data suggested two common genomes (S and H) with E. scabriglumis, one common genome (H) with H. procerum, and no common genome with E. innovatus. The evidence obtained suggested a SSHHYY genomic constitution for E. scabriglumis and two genomes different from SH for E. innovatus. The evidence also suggested that in H. procerum there may be two related genomes present (derived from H. jubatum) as speculated in some earlier studies.