We have reinvestigated the ability of Avena coleoptiles to undergo auxin-induced stored growth (stored growth is defined as the ability of a cell to store up a potential for extension during periods of reduced turgor which can be converted into extra extension upon restoration of normal turgor). We could detect little or no stored growth, with either moderate (1–2 bar) or more severe (3–5 bar) reductions in turgor, and with varying periods (10–100 min) of reduced turgor. Earlier reports of a stored growth potential (e.g., Cleland and Bonner, 1956) are shown to be in error, in that the apparent growth potential is probably an artifact of the use of argon or nitrogen as an inhibitor of auxin action. The absence of stored growth reported here is not due to a direct inhibitory effect of the osmoticum itself on auxin action, since coleoptiles can extend in response to auxin even in the presence of mannitol if an external force is applied to the section to replace the normal turgor. These results show that the two components of cell-wall extension, wall loosening and wall extension, usually are inseparable. Two possible explanations are considered; the walls may be extending by the process of chemical creep, or the wall loosening may only occur when the load-bearing bonds are under tension.