An examination, using reversed-phase chromatography and cyanogen bromide treatment, of tRNATyr, tRNAHis, tRNAAsn, and tRNAAsp from SV40-transformed mouse fibroblasts grown to different cell densities, untransformed cells grown to confluence, and mouse liver indicates that: (1) The tissue cultured mouse fibroblasts examined here are hypomodified with respect to nucleoside Q, while liver tRNA is almost completely modified with respect to Q. (2) Cell density and/or proliferative state do not present as major variables in controlling the expression of Q in the present system. (3) SV40 virus transformation is not a major variable controlling the expression of Q in the present system. The present results support previous use of cyanogen bromide effected shifts in chromatographic elution as an assay for nucleoside Q.

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