Synthesis and application of new microcarriers for animal cell culture. Part II: Application of polystyrene microcarriers

In this work (Part II) the application of new polystyrene based microcarriers in cell culture technology is demonstrated. Carriers with a variety of surface modifications were tested as a growth support for cell line BHK 21. The growth behavior of the cells and cell to surface attachment were compared to Cytodex 3 (Pharmacia), which was used as a reference carrier. To select carriers with growth supporting surfaces, broad screening in petri dish experiments was carried out. Candidates with the highest growth rates were investigated in spinner flash experiments in further detail. Polystyrene carrier with a surface modification like triethylamine, maltamine or N-methylglucosamine were able to support growth as good or better as the reference carrier Cytodex 3. Economies of ingredients and ease in laboratory handling could make amine-modified polystyrenes a competitive alternative to currently commercially available microcarrier types.