Disposal of Intravenously Administered Fat in Subjects with Atherosclerosis and in Normal Controls

A. series of experiments has been performed in which a standard dose of an artificial oil emulsion (Lipomul I.V.) was given to 5 groups of subjects and the disappearance of fat from their blood was observed by plasma optical density measurements. The groups were age-matched and consisted of a control group; 3 groups who had suffered a myocardial infarction and were respectively untreated, receiving heparin and receiving phenoprocoumon after recovery from the acute stage of the illness; and the last group which consisted of patients who suffered from intermittent claudication. The control, untreated infarct and peripheral vascular disease groups exhibited similar curves of optical density on time. The mean peak optical density was significantly lower in the heparin-treated than in the untreated group. Conversely, the mean peak optical density of the phenoprocoumontreated group was significantly higher than that of the untreated or control groups.