L-subshell ionization cross sections for Hf, Ta, and W byH+andHe+bombardment

X rays resulting from L-subshell vacancies in Hf, Ta, and W produced by bombarding thin targets with H+ (0.6-2.5 MeV) and He+ (1.2-4.2 MeV) were detected by Si(Li) spectrometry. Ionization cross sections were obtained by using the above measurements, branching ratios from theoretical calculations, and values of the fluorescence yields and Coster-Kronig factors by interpolating from experimental data. The observed projectile-energy dependence of the LII-subshell ionization cross section is reproduced reasonably well by the plane-wave Born approximation (PWBA), but the introduction of relativistic, trajectory, and binding corrections (PWBA-BTR) are essential for the description of the LI and LIII data. Scaling of the H+ and He+ data shows that one agrees well with the other. The behavior of the ionization cross section versus bombarding energy is correlated with some special features of the electronic bound-state wave functions.