Energy transfer of argon excited diatomic molecules

Argon excited diatomic molecules Ar*2(3J+u)were produced by irradiating argon gas with short electron beam pulses. The kinetic behavior was studied by monitoring the time dependence of the 987.6 nm absorption band due to Ar*2 under various conditions.The method is largely different from the vacuum UV emission spectroscopy used previously in such kinetic studies. Ar*2 was found to be produced by a three‐body reaction with a rate constant of (1.0±0.3) ×10−32 cm 6 sec−1. Then, the rate constants and cross sections of energy transfer were determined for 12 fundamental acceptor molecules. The theoretical formula proposed previously for Penning ionization was applied to energy transfer between Ar*2 cross sections given by the formula have the values comparable to the observed ones.