Time dependence of the vacuum-uv emissions from neon, and energy transfers to the resonance statesNe(P11)andNe(P13)in helium-neon mixtures

Time-resolved studies of the vacuum-uv emissions from neon and helium-neon mixtures were made using a single-photon counting technique. Excitation of the atoms was provided by a pulsed beam of 250-keV electrons. Measurements in neon were carried out at the wavelengths of the resonance states Ne(P11), and Ne(P13). Collision coefficients for the destruction of Ne(P11), Ne(P13), and Ne(P12) atoms in neon were determined. The two-body collision coefficient for deexcitation of Ne(P11) atoms to the Ne(P13) state is 5.5 × 104 sec1/Torr. Atoms in the Ne(P13) level undergo two-and three-body collisions with neon ground-state atoms. The deexcitation rate for the transition Ne(P13) to Ne(P23) is 1.80 × 103 sec1/Torr. The three-body collision coefficient for Ne(P13) is 5.0 sec1/Torr2. Metastable Ne(P23) atoms are collisionally excited to the Ne(P13) state at the rate 160 sec1/Torr, and they are destroyed in three-body collisions with rate coefficient 0.60 sec1/Torr2. The two-body deexcitation frequency for Ne(P13) and two- and three-body collision coefficients for Ne(P23) are in agreement with the results of Phelps. Studies of the emissions from He-Ne mixtures were performed at relatively high helium pressures of 200 and 400 Torr, respectively. At each helium pressure controlled amounts of neon impurity were added. Time-resolved measurements were made at the wavelengths of the He(2S1) metastable, the helium continuum emissions, and at the wavelengths of Ne(P11) and Ne(P13). The decay constants for He(2S1) and Ne(P11) are shown to be consistent with resonant excitation transfer from He(2S1) to the Ne(3s2) laser level (Paschen notation). The pressure dependence of the emissions from Ne(P13) in helium is governed primarily by collisional deexcitation to the metastable Ne(P23) state. The two-body collision coefficient for the destruction of Ne(P13) atoms by helium is 8.3 × 103 sec1/Torr.