Analyzing power forHe4(n→, n)He4elastic scattering at 50.4 MeV

The analyzing power Ay(θ) for elastic scattering of neutrons by He4 has been measured for eight angles in the range 80°<θlab<150° at 50.4 MeV. A polarized neutron beam (pn=0.50) was produced through bombardment of a high-pressure deuterium target by a 50 MeV polarized deuteron beam (pd=0.55) and by collimation of the neutrons in the 0° direction. A liquid-helium polarimeter placed in the neutron beam was used to measure asymmetries for left and right elastic scattering, with cyclic beam polarization reversal. Multiparameter methods of data acquisition and analysis were used to discriminate against backgrounds from He4 breakup reactions and from interactions with the target-cell walls. The extracted Ay values exhibit the large positive maximum at backward angles and the smaller negative minimum at more forward angles typical of n-He4 scattering at lower energies. The n-He4 Ay values are compared with p-He4 results at a nearby energy by means of a phase-shift analysis and are found to be in good agreement (except perhaps in the negative minimum) when Coulomb corrections to the phase shifts are taken into account.