Bspectroscopy from NRQCD with dynamical fermions

We present a lattice investigation, partially including the effects of dynamical quarks, of the heavy-light mesons using NRQCD for the heavy quark and the Wilson action for the light quark. We perform an extensive calculation of the spectrum employing a multistate, multiexponential fitting analysis which enables us to extract the 2S1S splitting as well as the P11S¯ and hyperfine splittings. The Wilson action introduces a large systematic error into the calculation, and within this uncertainty we obtain agreement with experiment. We perform a comprehensive calculation of the heavy-light meson mass, investigating three methods and their range of validity. The agreement found between these methods confirms that Lorentz invariance can be restored at this order in NRQCD by a constant shift to all masses. We calculated spectroscopic quantities over a wide range in heavy quark mass and are able to perform a detailed investigation of heavy quark symmetry around the b quark mass. In particular, we extract the nonperturbative coefficients of terms in the heavy quark expansion of the meson binding energy. We demonstrate the importance of using tadpole-improved operators in such a calculation.
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