Summary: The substrate bin, used to study diel migratory movements of the copepod Pseudodiaptomus hessei on to and off bottom interfacial areas is described. It consists essentially of a transparent Perspex box open at its upper end and supported upright within a metal framework. A lid, hinged along one face of the open end of the bin, opens and closes automatically through a simple system of levers as the apparatus is lowered on to or raised off a solid substrate.The apparatus is lowered on to the lake bed where it opens. Diel movements on to or off the shallow layer of bottom substrate enclosed within the bin can be examined by retrieving bins serially at different times.Using this apparatus in conjunction with standard net sampling techniques, clear evidence for an alternation of benthic and pelagic phases during diel cycles was obtained. Notwithstanding an apparent oversampling of the benthic component, the magnitude of which cannot be defined precisely, it is concluded that the apparatus provides a simple and reliable method of sampling.

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