Photonic band gap templating using optical interference lithography

We describe the properties of three families of inversion-symmetric, large photonic band-gap (PBG) template architectures defined by iso-intensity surfaces in four beam laser interference patterns. These templates can be fabricated by optical interference (holographic) lithography in a suitable polymer photo-resist. PBG materials can be synthesized from these templates using two stages of infiltration and inversion, first with silica and second with silicon. By considering point and space group symmetries to produce laser interference patterns with the smallest possible irreducible Brillouin zones, we obtain laser beam intensities, directions, and polarizations which generate a diamond-like (fcc) crystal, a novel body-centered cubic (bcc) architecture, and a simple-cubic (sc) structure. We obtain laser beam parameters that maximize the intensity contrasts of the interference patterns. This optimizes the robustness of the holographic lithography to inhomogeneity in the polymer photo-resist. When the optimized iso-intensity surface defines a silicon to air boundary (dielectric contrast of 11.9 to 1), the fcc, bcc, and sc crystals have PBG to center frequency ratios of 25%, 21%, and 11%, respectively. A full PBG forms for the diamond-like crystal when the refractive index contrast exceeds 1.97 to 1. We illustrate a noninversion symmetric PBG architecture that interpolates between a simple fcc structure and a diamond network structure. This crystal exhibits two distinct and complete photonic band gaps. We also describe a generalized class of tetragonal photonic crystals that interpolate between and extrapolate beyond the diamond-like crystal and the optimized bcc crystal. We demonstrate the extent to which the resulting PBG materials are robust against perturbations to the laser beam amplitudes and polarizations, and template inhomogeneity. The body centered cubic structure exhibits the maximum robustness overall.