A Study of the Hypocholesterolemic Activity of the Ethyl Esters of the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids of Cod Liver Oil in the Chicken

This report is concerned with the polyunsaturated fatty esters of cod liver oil and their effect on total serum cholesterol in hypercholesteremic chickens. An ethyl ester fraction of cod liver oil (I no. 315) was found 4 times as effective as natural cod liver oil (I no. 160) in lowering total serum cholesterol in the hypercholesterolemic chicken. Increasing the iodine number of the ethyl ester preparation to 374 increased the hypocholesterolemic activity approximately twofold. An ethyl ester fraction of menhaden oil was found equal in hypocholesterolemic activity to an equivalent ethyl ester fraction of cod liver oil. The hypocholesterolemic effect of the polyunsaturated fatty esters is related to the degree of unsaturation of the fatty esters fed. This hypocholesterolemic effect of the fish oils was obtained only during the period that they were fed. When the oils were withdrawn from the ration, hypecholesterolemia returned. Dietary hypercholesterolemia diminished with age.