The properties of two DDT suspensions of a new type, “Supona”-D and “Supona”-DB are described. These suspensions contain about 50 per cent. DDT or 39 per cent. DDT+ 13 per cent. technical BHC respectively in their concentrated forms, the active material being suspended in a complex colloidal oil-water system.Experiments were carried out with “Supona”-D and a DDT emulsion containing about 30 per cent. DDT dissolved in a mineral oil phase for the control of Glossina palpalis. Both products were applied in dilutions containing 5 per cent. DDT.Laboratory experiments with leaves of Camellia thea and Begonia sp. showed that the initial toxicity and stability in tropical sunlight of residues of “Supona”-D were somewhat less than those of the DDT emulsion. The resistance to rain, however, was better with residues of “Supona”-D.