Mass yield curves in low-energy proton-induced fission ofU233,U235,U236,Np237,Pu239,Pu242,Pu244,Am241, andAm243

Mass yield curves in low-energy proton-induced fission of U233, U235, U236, Np237, Pu239, Pu242, Pu244, Am241, and Am243 were investigated in the energy range of 8–32 MeV. The gross features of mass yield curves were compared either at the same excitation energy or for the same charge of the compound nucleus with different neutron number. The results are briefly discussed in terms of (1) the weighted mean mass number of the light and heavy asymmetric peak, (2) the FWHM of the heavier asymmetric peak, and (3) the peak-to-valley ratio.