SUMMARY: The occurrence and nature of bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in South-East England in the period 1984–91 is reported and compared with the results of a study for 1977–83. Registered new cases reached a low of 1028 in 1988 but increased to 1252 in 1991. This appeared to be due to a halt in the previous decline in new cases of European patients, a small increase in the number of Indian subcontinent (ISC) patients and an increase in patients from Africa. A total of 122 patients, mostly of European ethnic origin, were known to be HIV positive. As in the 1977–83 study, disease in the ISC group affected younger patients than in the European group, tubercle bacilli were more frequently isolated from a non-pulmonary site in the ISC group (45%) than in the European group (19%) and there was a higher incidence of the South Indian variant of M. tuberculosis in the former group (17%) than in the latter (9%). The overall incidence of drug resistance has not altered significantly since the 1977–83 study but 46 strains resistant to 3 or more drugs were isolated from 4099 ISC patients, compared with 3 of 4594 strains from European patients. Six of the 122 isolates from HIV positive patients were drug-resistant but none was multi-drug resistant.The slight rise in registered bacteriologically proven cases of tuberculosis, the presence of multi-drug resistant strains, the occurrence of HIV-related tuberculosis and reports of the emergence of multi-drug-resistant HIV-related tuberculosis in other countries strongly indicate the need for continued careful surveillance.