A new111in-bleomycin complex for combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Six days after tumor transplantation three daily intraperitoneal doses of 0.9% NaCl, bleomycin (BLM), or a new 111In‐bleomycin complex (BLMC, 15 μCi/g body weight) were administered to glioma‐bearing mice. After therapy, tumors in mice treated with 111In‐BLMC were smaller than those treated with BLM. Sixteen days after the first injection tumor size for 111In‐BLMC‐treated mice was 560 (240–1,030) mm3, 1,980 (1,400–3,290) mm3 for BLM (P < 0.025), and 4,830 (2,580–9, 180) mm3 for NaCl (0.1 < P < 0.2). Thirteen days after tumor transplantation glioma‐bearing mice received single intratumor injection of 0.9% NaCl, BLM, or 111In‐BLMC (1.5 mCi, carried by 0.5 mg BLM/g tumor weight). The average tumor size for 111In‐BLMC was smaller than that for BLM by a factor of 2.5–3.7. Host weights for these two groups were similar, and morphologic abnormalities were not found in kidney or liver.