Dehydrated Broiler Excreta versus Soybean Meal as Nitrogen Supplements for Sheep

Diets supplemented with dehydrated broiler excreta (DBE) were consumed by sheep as readily as diets supplemented with soybean meal. Diets supplemented with either soybean meal or DBE did not significantly differ in digestibility or nitrogen (N) retention. The true digestibility of DBE-N was 81%, a value of similar magnitude determined by others for dry-mixed conventional feeds. Feeding the DBE resulted in low levels of arsenical residues in the lamb tissue. Significance of arsenic in poultry manure processed for ruminant crude protein supplements will depend on individual feeding regimes, arsenic concentration in excreta, and permissible levels established for lamb and mutton. Copyright © 1976. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1976 by American Society of Animal Science