We review, extend, and give some further applications of a method recently suggested to solve the renormalization-scheme-dependence problem in perturbative field theories. The use of a coupling constant as a universal expansion parameter is abandoned. Instead, to each physical quantity depending on a single scale variable is associated an effective charge, whose corresponding Stückelberg—Peterman—Gell-Mann—Low function is identified as the proper object on which perturbation theory applies. Integration of the corresponding renormalization-group equations yields renormalization-scheme-invariant results free of any ambiguity related to the definition of the kinematical variable, or that of the scale parameter Λ, even though the theory is not solved to all orders. As a by-product, a renormalization-group improvement of the usual series is achieved. Extension of these methods to operators leads to the introduction of renormalization-group-invariant Green's function and Wilson coefficients, directly related to effective charges. The case of nonzero fermion masses is discussed, both for fixed masses and running masses in mass-independent renormalization schemes. The importance of the scale-invariant mass m^ is emphasized. Applications are given to deep-inelastic phenomena, where the use of renormalization-group-invariant coefficient functions allows to perform the factorization without having to introduce a factorization scale. The Sudakov form factor of the electron in QED is discussed as an example of an extension of the method to problems involving several momentum scales.