Flush mounted hot film anemometer probes were used to measure wall shear stress magnitudes on the inside and outside walls of a rigid model of the human aortic arch. The effects of the presence of an Ionescu-Shiley tri-leaflet bioprosthetic heart valve at the entrance of the aortic arch and the side flows through arteries located in the mid-arch region on wall shear stress magnitudes were determined. It was found that the presence of the tri-leaflet valve leads to an elevation of wall shear stress (relative to the same flow without a valve) over the entire aortic arch region by as much as 50 percent. The valve influence extended to about 180 deg from the entrance to the aorta on the inside wall and even further on the outside wall based on extrapolation of available data. Peak wall shear stress magnitudes measured on the outside wall were in the range of 1.5—4.0 N/m2 (15—40 dynes/cm2) over the length of the aortic arch and took on their highest values in the mid-arch region. Inside wall values were of comparable magnitude. It was observed that the presence of the aortic valve and side flow from the top of the aortic arch reduced wall shear stress reversal in the arch region.