Absolute cross sections for theCu63,65(O16, X)reactions

The absolute cross sections for a number of different reactions resulting from the bombardment of Cu63,65 with 38.5-, 41.0-, 43.5-, 46.0-, 48.5-, and 51.0-MeV O16 ions were determined from γ-ray yields observed from the decay of resulting radioactivities, and from yields of in-beam γ rays. The total cross section was compared to an optical model calculation and to a parabolic barrier potential calculation. The relative population of the reaction products was compared to calculations for the statistical decay of a compound nucleus by n, p, and α evaporation. This model does account for the general features of the experimental results, and agrees reasonably well with the stronger exit channels. A summary of the general features of the Ni58,60,61(O16, X) and Cu63,65(O16, X) reactions is included.